The cameras were not an intrusive presence 那些摄像机的存在并不令人反感。
On this occasion the press have not been intrusive and they have shown great tact. 媒体此次并没有过多纠缠,表现十分得体。
The sea was near at hand, but not intrusive; it murmured, and he thought it was the pines; the pines murmured in precisely the same tones, and he thought they were the sea. 大海就在附近,但是没有不谐调的感觉:大海传来阵阵涛声,他听了以为是松林发出的涛声;松林发出的涛声和海涛完全一样,他以为听见的是海涛。
Logging GC usage is not intrusive, and so it is reasonable to enable GC logging in production by default in the event you ever need to analyze memory problems or tune the garbage collector. 记录GC使用情况并不具有干扰性,因此如果需要分析内存问题或者调优垃圾收集器,在生产环境中默认启用GC日志是值得的。
These measures need not be intrusive, or infringe upon sovereignty. 这些措施不必具有干预性,无需涉及主权。
We've taken this decision because we believe that the steps the consumer has to take are not excessive, and that as a one-time only measure with no tracking or reporting it is not too intrusive. 我们已经采取了这一决定,因为我们相信,消费者要采取的步骤并不过多,而且它作为一个唯一的衡量标准,没有任何的跟踪或报告来打扰。
Mr Hurley and Mr Chen also soaked up the lessons of Google, including: do not bombard users with intrusive adverts. 赫尔利和陈士骏还吸取了谷歌的一些经验,包括不采用弹出式广告对用户实行轰炸。
He might wish to keep in contact with players but must do so with enough tact not to seem intrusive for the clubs paying the wages. 他可能想要同球员们保持联系,但必须要聪明一点,不要插手到俱乐部的事务中去。
To stand up to these disingenuous attacks, Mr Obama needs to explain why his policies will not result in a more intrusive state or a less flexible economy. 要想回击这些居心叵测的抨击,奥巴马必须解释清楚:为何自己的政策不会造成政府进一步干预,或经济灵活度下降。
Think of a first date: We try to express ourselves and learn about the other person, but not express ourselves too much or offend by being intrusive. 试想第一次约会:我们试图表达自己和更多地了解对方,但是怕说多错多或者冒昧无礼。
As we move forward, we must take care that the Federal Reserve remains effective and independent, Mr Bernanke told the Senate banking committee, urging Congress not to take away its role in bank supervision or subject it to more intrusive government auditing. 随着我们向前迈进,我们必须努力让美联储保持有效和独立,伯南克对参议院银行业委员会表示。他敦促国会不要剥夺美联储在银行监管方面的角色,或使其接受更具干扰性的政府审计。
The people are warm and courteous but not intrusive. 那里的人民热情有礼、绝不扰人。
Most of our customers do not like the traditional'pat down'search, they find it too intrusive, but they still want to be kept safe. 我们大部分的客户都不喜欢传统的拍身检查,他们觉得不方便,但是同时他们又希望保证安全。
Such requirements will not be overly intrusive, and thus will not interfere unduly in private-sector business decisions. 这样的要求干预性不会过高,所以不会过度介入私人部门业务的决策。
That is not down to the size of the sodas, the overcrowding of economy class or the intrusive airport security. 这并非缘于杯装苏打水的规格、经济舱的人满为患、或令人头疼的机场安保。
Yet even this technology would not halt intrusive pat-downs for those wanting to avoid scanners. 但对那些不想接受扫描的人来说,即便是这项技术,也不能帮他们躲开侵犯隐私的搜身检查。
These results show that the Hartmann wavefront sensor is not only used to measure the aero optical effects in turbulent medium, but also utilized to perform non intrusive studies of fluid flows. 这些初步测量和分析结果表明通过哈特曼波前测量法既可研究光束在湍流场中引起的波前变化规律,同时还可以应用于湍流场流场参数的间接分析。
To argue that informed cannot be the fundamental standard for research or clinical ethics, and is best seen as a way by which patients and research subjects and others can selectively waive others 'obligations not to perform invasive or intrusive actions. 讨论告知不能作为临床伦理学与研究伦理学的基本标准,知情同意可以最好视为病人与受试者以及其他人所能选择性放弃其他的义务,而不采取侵害性行为的一种方法。
Using a simulation example, the mixed method not only cleared the edge of classification, ad-vanced precision and accuracy of classification, but also improved its success possibility of intrusive detection. 仿真实践证明,这种混合优化技术可使分类的边界得以收缩,可提高分类精度和准度,提高了入侵检验的成功率。
It is a high performance, not intrusive and loose coupled Web application framework. 它是一个具有高性能、无侵入性和松耦合的Web应用框架。
Giving full play to its fight against bribery, we shall also ensure that it not overly intrusive to the tranquility of citizens to private life. 在充分发挥其打击贿赂犯罪利器的同时,不至于过度侵扰公民私生活的安宁。